Chem Solutions
Solutions, technical consulting, support and supply of innovative products in the following sectors: Electronics, Heat Transfer, SF6 and Mechanics.
Who We Are

Since 2013, Chem Solutions has been offering its customers technical advice, support and solutions in all stages of production processes, and continuous contact with the best international suppliers enables it to offer innovative products with high-level performance to the market.

The main products Chem Solutions distributes are for the following sectors:

  • Electronics: cleaning, conformal coating, fluxes, solder alloys, maintenance, solder pastes and re-work
  • Heat Transfer
  • SF6
  • Mechanics: solvents; detergents and modified alcohols or hydrocarbons.

In addition, Chem Solutions offers the opportunity to conduct chemical and physical analysis and material testing.

Company Profile Chem Solutions



  • ABchimie: has been producing and distributing professional solutions for the protection and cleaning of electronic boards for over ten years; offers a wide range of products consisting of: acrylic, polyurethane, silicone, epoxy and UV resins, as well as maintenance and cleaning solutions.


  • Broquetas: a Spanish company specializing since 1930 in the production of filler metals and consumables for industrial applications, increasingly used in the electronics sector.


  • Climalife: a company that specializes in thermodynamics and technical fluids for the refrigeration and air conditioning divisions, as well as technical gases.



  • 3M: a U.S.-based multinational company, operates in the industrial sector, manufactures and markets products and solutions for industry such as: solvents, coatings, coolants, personal protective equipment, adhesives, abrasives, reflective films, fire protection, dental products, electrical materials and electronic circuits.
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