Bono corrosion test

Bono corrosion test is a method to better quantify and differentiate the risk related to corrosion mechanisms and leakage currents in No Clean processes.

The purpose of the Bono corrosion test is to evaluate the corrosive nature of solder pastes and quantify the corrosion factor.

Miniaturization is an increasingly common trend, with boards having higher densities and increasingly narrower spaces between traces and pads. Dendritic growth by electrochemical migration can become a problem for reliability over time.

This test also provides valuable information on the compatibility of solder materials with the “coatings” used and is applied in addition to all industry standards (copper mirror test, SIR, ECM, etc.).



  • better differentiates the nature of the residue
  • classification relative to corrosive potential
  • consistent and repeatable
  • miscellaneous information: corrosion, leakage current
  • solder paste/coating compatibility information
  • can be applied to solder paste, fluxes and gel fluxes.

The continuous work of Inventec‘s R&D and Application Team over the past 10 years has resulted in a series of ECOREL™ solder pastes and ECOFREC™ fluxes with high reliability.

Improved electrochemical reliability is made possible by Bono corrosion test.
